Breathing Shouldn’t Be A Problem|Paid Clinical Trials

All living being, doesn’t matter what kind? We all need to breathe, being humans and having the most complex body functions we all are aware of the breathing process we all go through. When we inhale our diaphragm contracts increasing the space in the chest cavity and when exhale it’s the opposite. What happens if you stop breathing? Till now you are quite aware from the fact that you can control your breath just by not inhaling or exhaling air which isn’t possible with your hearth, you can’t control your heartbeat by stopping it neither you can stop your brain from thinking. If you stop breathing your lungs will run out of oxygen and start extracting oxygen from your blood and eventually you will start breathing again if you have purposely stopped your breath. If anyone is choked or can’t breathe for any other reason the person body will have insufficient oxygen for aerobic respiration which will result in lack of ATP or the enzymes will denature due to build-up of lactic acid in the body or by lowering the blood pH which will build up carbon dioxide which forms carbonic acid and subsequent denaturation of enzymes and as a result the person may result in death.

How does asthma connect with all the given information given above? It’s just to bring forward how important breathing is for human being and asthma directly triggers that. Try and hold your breath and try to go longer than your capacity, you will not be able to do it or possibly end up collapsing. Now let’s just take in a note of some asthma patient who can’t control it and faces breathing problem. Asthma can last for years or lifelong, where regular attendance is required for the patient. As research says that any patient suffering from asthma isn’t guaranteed to cure.
Asthma doesn’t only stop at breathing problem, a normal airway can pass air easily compared to an airway of an asthma patient as the patient will have blocked mucus and constricted airway. The patient will also experience symptoms like a cough at night, or during any active activity and the cough can be from mild to severe, chest pain or wheezing are also common symptoms. At the end, asthma isn’t fun at all as its effects the patients at many physical levels that no one can help.
We don’t have a purpose to demotivate you but this is the hard truth when an asthma patient is facing anxiety or chest pain all the third person can do is sit next to and scream calm down or help massage the area in case of chest pain or possibly blow air in the mouth. Doesn’t sound good but most of the time these things don’t help if there is someone suffering from asthma, the patient needs medication and people living with her should be educated enough to take right decisions at the time of emergency like if the patient can’t breathe then the patient’s family member or friends should be aware that the patient needs the air pump, being depended on others my personal opinion is to always keep an air pump handy.

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