Paid Clinical Trials For Stress Urinary Incontinence

Unintentional loss of urine at any time during physical movement or activity such as sneezing, weight lifting, running or by putting any stress on the bladder. The contraction of the bladder muscles causes urine leakage usually with a sense of urgent. Patient includes women more than men and may make the patient limited to social life and limited work and also make the patient feel isolated and embarrassed. The patient needs doctor’s attention as urinary incontinence is affecting the patient’s daily life in regular activities. Urinary incontinence causes due to muscles and tissues that support the bladder and regulates the urine release weakens.

Prostate surgery or childbirth may increase the chances of Urinary Incontinence to occur. If a woman gives a normal birth, she is having higher potential to suffer from urinary incontinence by damaging or affecting her tissue or nerve cells. The condition may occur years after or right after the delivery. Removal of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer in men, the patient going through the surgery is likely to suffer from urinary incontinence as the prostate lies below the sphincter which encircles urethra and may result in weakening the sphincter and the patient may suffer from urinary incontinence. Risk factors for urinary incontinence may be from ageing, although age doesn’t matter for it to occur but due to ageing the weakening of muscles may make urinary incontinence occur, types of childbirth may also effect as compared to caesarean or vacuum assist delivery has less risk as compared to normal delivery, overweight people also have high chance of suffering from urinary incontinence and also previous pelvic surgery can increase the chance of urinary incontinence to occur. The patient may face complication like personal distress, mixed urinary incontinence and skin rash or irritation.

There is no approved treatment to treat urinary incontinence however, urinary incontinence is treated by antidepressant duloxetine which doesn’t actually cure the problem but only stops it till the drug is taken by the patient. There are medical devices and surgery available for patients but how long are you willing to stay in favour of a device or storage gland inserted in you by surgery. GonlineWorld Patience Club connects you with top medical research clinics in your local areas for paid clinical trials. Till now you must be aware the medication and treatment to urinary incontinence isn’t cheap, by joining our patience club which is for free you can help medical researchers find better and permanent cure for Paid Clinical Trial For Urinary Incontinence. By joining paid clinical trials we will entertain you with free doctor care, free medication and maximum compensation. Remember you have not demanded any money from us or any third party, you will be joining paid clinical trials for the better future of the medical industry and help millions of people live a better life. 

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